Stitch Buffalo Logo (download 5.5MB file)
Stitch Buffalo retail store interior, 2025. (download 5MB file)

Stitch Buffalo exterior, 2025. This is a traveling installation, available for display. (download .5MB file)
Hand-embroidered heart pin by Asha Gurung (who came to Buffalo from Bhutan). 2020. (download 2.6MB file)
Hand-embroidered goddess patch by Bishnu Bhujel (who came to Buffalo from Bhutan). 2019. (download 3.9MB file)
Community clothes mending day at Stitch Buffalo. Sponsored by M&T Bank. (Download 4.4MB file)

Dah John’s story. Photograph by Luke Copping. 2019. (download 877KB file)

Mu Mu’s story. Photograph by Luke Copping. 2019. (download 734MB file)

Sila Mager’s story. 2019. (download 1.1MB file)
Hand-embroidered peace pin by Zi Ram (who came to Buffalo from Burma). 2020. (download 5.1MB file)

Tila Bastola at Stitch Buffalo’s “Peace 2020” installation, which debuted at the Burchfield Penney Art Center in January 2020. This is a traveling installation, available for display. (download 1.8MB file)

Stitch Buffalo’s Peace Pins for Social Justice program supports non-profits working to create more equitable communities. Details under the “Shop” tab on our website. (download 558K file)

A newly delivered ornament. Stitch Buffalo, 2021. (download file)