Prospective Board Member
or Committee Member
Thank you for considering serving Stitch Buffalo as a member of the Board of Directors or as a Committee member. Please review the information below, and then answer questions to tell us about yourself. Our goal is to build an active, diverse Board in culture, skills, and thought.
Our Vision: Stitching Communities Together
Our Mission: We are a textile art center committed to: empowering refugee and immigrant women through the sale of their handcrafted goods, inspiring creativity and inclusion through community education, and stewarding the environment through the reuse of textile supplies.
Stitch Buffalo has three focus areas: the Refugee Women’s Workshop, Community Education, and Second Stitch. There are opportunities to help in many ways. Every year, we host fundraising events, attend numerous festivals, conduct an annual giving campaign, and pursue grant opportunities.
Board Members
Our Board members serve a 3-year term, which may be renewed once. Many Board members choose to serve beyond their term limit as at-large members of the Board.
We meet monthly as a full group.
We are a working board where all members serve on committees as well as on independent projects, as needed.
Expected time commitment varies between 5 and 10 hours per month, including 2–3 hours of on-site participation at Stitch Buffalo.
Board members are asked to make an annual financial gift to Stitch Buffalo, at whatever level is meaningful to them.
Committee Members
Committee members serve on task-oriented groups in their area of expertise/interest, helping with the planning and implementation of identified goals.
Committees meet on an as-needed basis, depending of the initiative.
There are no “terms” of service. There is an opportunity to move on to become a Board member, if so desired.
Committees work on various events and activities including, but not limited to, fundraisers, festivals, and annual giving campaign, as well as planning for the future in terms of programs, space, organizational policies and procedures, etc.